Hello! I'm Irfan

A passionate & hardworking Computer Science student having interest in building mobile and web applications.

Irfan Abidi


Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College Of Engineering

Bachelor Of Engineering in Computer Engineering

August 2019 - Present
CGPA - 9.97 (SEMESTER 3)

R.B.K. School

Indian School Certificate (ISC), Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE)

May 2018
Grade - 95%
  • 99% in Mathematics
  • 100% in Computer Science.

R.B.K. School

Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE)

May 2016
Grade - 95%

Work Experience

SVIRTZ Technology

Software Development Intern
June 2021 - Present

Developing web applications using angular.

Admere Selvyn Pvt. Ltd.

Content Writing Intern
February 2021 - May 2021

Write Content for Company Website.

Making creative tag lines, Mission and Vision of the Company.

Developing content for the company’s online competitive music festival JUKEBOXX.

Writing emails and messages for the company, invitation letters for the artists, and participants of various events.

Writing blogs and articles aimed at music.

Handout Foundation

Volunteering Intern
September 2020 - October 2020

Extending the reach of the company online.

To promote a social cause every day.

Discussing different agendas like mental and physical health, women empowerment, etc with our peers and mentors.


An Interactive Map Application For Real-Time Crime Reporting

An Android application that is used to report a crime. This application requires a GPS and a camera-equipped smartphone. The user can upload photos/videos of the crime which will later act as evidence. The application also helps in finding the nearest hospital, police, and fire station. An emergency SOS can also be sent to the user’s emergency contacts.The application has a built-in news app, to read the latest updates and news from around the country and world. The users can also view the Missing People as well as the Wanted Criminals list which is regularly updated. Apart from the app, a website is also used to update the app and send help to victims, and store evidence. The app provides secure login using Firebase Authentication.

Society Management System

A Java GUI project built using Java Swings. This system uses MySQL to store data about the Residential Society. Data like maintenance bills, arrears, list of society committee members, list of services, parking, and residents details. The system provides secure login and logout features.

Hand Gesture Recognition Remote

A Python OpenCV project developed to control various applications like Media Player, Presentation slides, WASD controlled games, and a custom GUI to set the count of fingers to a keypress.

Other Projects

Snake Game

A Python OpenCV project developed to control various applications like Media Player, Presentation slides, WASD controlled games, and a custom GUI to set the count of fingers to a keypress.


The classic Tic-Tac-Toe game. Built using Java Swings. Match three similar symbols to win. Currently only multiplayer is supported.


The classic Rock-Paper-Scissors game. Built using Java Swings. Play against the computer for a limited number of rounds only.

Reach Out To Me!

" Aspiring Software Developer | Android Developer | Competitve Prograaming"

Mira-Road, Mumbai, India
Open to opportunities: